Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back in College Town

I'm back in fay from a weekend home! It was a good weekend home, relaxing, hanging out with the family.

I finished reading New Moon this afternoon at home. Very anxious to find out what happens in eclipse, thanks to my parents picking it up for me at Barnes and Noble. I haven't started yet, will probaly wait til tomorrow after classes.

It was nice not having any work tonight...I got to spend the night watching Sex and City up stairs in the living room with some friends!

Speaking of living rooms....there'll be some big ones in our new sorority house! We move in in january! this picture was taken back in august, around 1/2 of it is now bricked. It's 3 stories in the front, and a full 4 stories in the back. I'll get a new picture soon. Until then...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Post

I feel like I'm cheating. I've had another blog since April of 2004...shocker I know. It's private though, friends only. All my friends and I in highschool had one. It was like our facebook before facebook was open to high schoolers. So...I'm creating this one, since the rest of my family seems to have one!

I don't feel like doing much with it right now. I'm home from school for the weekend and am enjoying doing pretty much nothing but hanging around, and reading the Twilight books, and following my sister along on what is suppose to be an EASY hiking trail.

I'll probaly fix it up later this week. I FINALLY have a little break from school! The past two weeks have been awful. Test after test after lab after lab. This week will be very very relaxing. I don't even think I have a lot of sorority stuff to do! None that can even think of right now...that's good! We've had a lot lately...

I am NOT a good writer, hence why my major of choice is engineering. The extent of my writing is lab reports...and grammar definatly does not matter. I don't even know if I spelled "grammar" right :/

OK Dad, this first post was mainly for you! SHOUT OUT TO DAD!

can't guarentee I'll post in this one a lot. I use my other blog to complain about things since no one can read it anymore...don't think I want to vent out in the open web!

off to read more New Moon