Wednesday, May 20, 2009

when i turned 21 i said 2009 was going to be a great year...and you know what? IT IS! so far...!

I had one of THE FUNNEST semesters of MY LIFE!

I learned to like baseball! (shocker!)

I turned 21!

and now Kris Allen won american idol! It feels like just yesterday we were sitting at the dinner at the house talking about the rumors we heard that katy's husband was in the top 24, soon did we find out from katy there was no top 24 but top 36 and to keep watching! Each tuesday (and sometimes wednesday) we'd dedicate those 2 hours to voting for kris...WHAT WILL I DO ON TUESDAY NIGHTS?! can't believe he made it all the way. wow...their lives will NEVER be the same!

I see an AOII philanthropy event in the future! ;-)

ice break was also a major plus!

i saw lots of movies...A LOT!

what else does 2009 have in store for me?????

how much better can 2009 get??? Still got over half a year!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm thrilled that Kris won!!! Even though I loved Adam and would have been fine with him winning, I'm glad Kris will have the benefits that winning Idol will give him for getting his career off the ground. I'm sure the exposure Adam received throughout the whole process will get him plenty of offers for his future.